Hamden Hall Country Day School
Educating Students in PreSchool Through Grade 12
    • Bob and Janet Izzo

A Message From Our Head of School

Welcome to our Hamden Hall Community. We use the word “community” quite a bit on campus because of the unwavering support provided to our students by our past and present families, our alumni, and our faculty and staff.

I have the distinct pleasure of a dual vantage point: I am both a Hamden Hall parent and educator, and I see firsthand the results of The Hamden Hall Experience. Our students excel because of the opportunities they are afforded and the guidance they are provided by our esteemed faculty. We set high standards and our students respond with unflappable poise and resilience.

Yet just as important as our rigorous curriculum, Signature Programs, and myriad extracurricular activities is the foundation of social responsibility, respect, and global citizenship that is fostered in our students during their time under the pines. We care about the kinds of people our students become after they graduate.

Our Mission

Core Values

Students will strive for excellence in all aspects of their school lives.

Students will support one another as trustworthy members of the community.

Students will actively participate in the life of the school.

Students will take responsibility for their academic growth and personal code of ethics.

Students will respect the diverse interests, talents, and ethnic and cultural backgrounds both at Hamden Hall and in the surrounding community.

Honor Code

Integrity and Responsibility are words that embody the moral and ethical foundation of the Hamden Hall School. The Honor Code is the structure that defines and promotes these values within the School community. It is composed of two parts: an Honor Pledge and an Honor Contract, and all students will be expected to abide by this code. It states: 

As a member of the Hamden Hall community, I pledge my honesty, academic integrity, sportsmanship, and stewardship, and I expect others to be responsible and to do the same." 

To reaffirm their pledge, students will print 'HH Honor Pledge' and sign their names on all in-class exams, quizzes, and applicable take-home work. Teachers will be responsible for clarifying specific class and department expectations. By signing the pledge, students affirm their academic integrity as defined in the Honor Contract below.  

Honor Contract

I pledge to relate and communicate with others in a spirit of openness and truth. My fairness, truthfulness and sincerity will not be compromised by intentional deception.  

Academic Integrity
I pledge to have neither given nor received aid whenever a teacher requires this for an assignment. 

I pledge to respect teammates and opponents in all extracurricular clubs and athletics. I will strive for courteous relationships and graceful acceptance of results in all competition. 

I pledge to take good care of my school's campus and facilities. I will respect others and their property, and I will use educational resources and athletic equipment responsibly. 

Hamden Hall Country Day School

About Us

Hamden Hall Country Day School, located less than two miles from Yale University, is one of the best private schools in Connecticut to enroll elementary, middle, and high school students. Our nurturing and inclusive community provides a dynamic learning environment that promotes academic excellence by understanding each child and fostering their individual growth.