Hamden Hall Country Day School
Educating Students in PreSchool Through Grade 12
Dear Hamden Hall Community:

As members of our storied school community, you are part of a legacy.  That’s right - a legacy of educational excellence and opportunity that  has endured for more than a century and has helped establish  Hamden Hall as a leader among the nation’s independent schools.

We tout our legacy loud and clear because we’re proud of the long-lasting impact our overall program has had on the thousands of alumni, past families, and former faculty members who have traversed our campus over the decades.

Today’s students will Continue the Legacy that is inherent in a Hamden Hall education. And in doing so, they’ll impress their own footprints in the overarching heirloom of our school’s celebrated history.

In order to ensure that we’re always a step ahead in providing a transformative student experience as part of daily campus life, we appeal each year to every member within our community to make a gift to our Hamden Hall Fund. This non-restrictive fund allows our students to explore their interests, talents, and passions while forging a culture of participation and belonging.

We all play a role in the Continuation of Our Legacy. The success of our mission to educate young people, support student life, and create a formative learning environment must be embraced by our entire community. It’s a collective mindset to achieve, excel, and succeed – and it’s legendary within our hallowed halls.

On behalf of the Office of Advancement, Communications, and Alumni Relations, thank you for your support of our school community. 
Best Regards,

Dawn A. Miceli, PP 2019
Director of Advancement and Communications

List of 13 items.

  • Does Hamden Hall allow Matching Gift Opportunities?

    Many corporations have a matching contribution program that doubles or even triples the amount of your gift to our school. You can search on our website to learn whether your employer has a corporate matching gift program. You can also contact your company's human resources or benefits office. Corporate matching gifts ensure that your support goes twice as far!  

    Click here to view the search box.
  • Hamden Hall Fund

    Like most independent schools, Hamden Hall supplements its tuition revenue stream with fundraising, including our Hamden Hall Fund, corporate matching gifts, private and public grantmaking, and more.

    We depend on all of our constituents – parents, faculty, trustees, alumni, past parents, and friends – especially given that outside funders look favorably on such all-in participation from a school community. We understand that our donors want to know that their gift will make a difference in an area of campus life that is important to them. And that’s the beauty of the Hamden Hall Fund! It enriches all facets of the Hamden Hall Experience: music, theatre, visual arts, athletics, scholarship, field trips, curriculum, programming, and so much more!

    Your support allows us to deliver an outstanding educational experience. Thank you in advance for your gift of any amount.
  • Why Give?

    Your support allows us to deliver an outstanding educational experience including talented teachers, small class sizes, dynamic learning environments and unlimited resources, and so much more. The full cost of our programming and enrichment exceeds the amount we charge in tuition. And, because we are a private school, we do not receive funding from our state or federal government.
  • Annual Report of Giving

    This ongoing list represents cumulative giving and new pledges for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 thru June 30, 2025. Hamden Hall extends our gratitude to all of our donors. 

    Read more about the Annual Report of Giving here.

    If you have any questions, contact the Office of Advancement at 203.752.2616. Note: This list is updated weekly. 
  • Learn more about our Office of Advancement

  • How can I make a gift?

    It’s simple! Gifts to Hamden Hall can be made in the form of cash, check, credit card, marketable securities, real estate or life insurance. To learn more about these options, please contact our office at 203.752.2616.  

    Click here to make a gift online.

    Checks may be made payable to: Hamden Hall Country Day School and mailed to the Office of Advancement, 1108 Whitney Avenue Hamden, Conn. 06517 

    Feel like visiting our office and meeting with us in person? Please do! Stop by anytime to make a gift or to discuss creating your personal legacy or establishing a scholarship or endowed fund in honor or memory of a loved one. 
  • Will my gift make a difference?

    Every gift makes a difference! In fact, because of the gifts garnered from parents and families of previous generations of students, as well as alumni who graduated from our halls, today’s students enjoy myriad benefits including our beautiful campuses and the legacy of attending one of the nation’s top independent day schools.
  • Planned Giving

    Hamden Hall offers many creative opportunities to support our community - through donations of current gifts or deferring a gift as a future bequest or planned gift through estate planning. Large or small, these gifts enhance our school community and ensure that future generations of students benefit from the vision and philanthropic leadership of today's donors.

    Learn more about planned giving here.
  • Fund a Future

    Hamden Hall Country Day School has a storied legacy as a nurturing and inclusive community with a dynamic learning environment. From our earliest days as the nation’s fourth country day school, Hamden Hall provided educational opportunities to a diverse student body to ensure academic excellence and to better provide what we now call, The Hamden Hall Experience. So many of our alumni have regaled us with their personal stories of scholarship and thus opportunity. For Carol Nutile Burke, of the Class of 1947, it was a scholarship award that allowed her and her cousins, Reginald 1939 and Fred Jackson 1940, to attend Hamden Hall. “Going to Hamden Hall changed our lives,” said Carol. “We met new people in a world we would have never known, and it inspired us to do something with our lives: to have ambition.” Now decades later, Hamden Hall continues to provide financial aid in the form of scholarship to talented and deserving students. In fact, our school flourishes because we are able to attract more distinguished and motivated applicants. It is important for Hamden Hall to find angels in the Greater New Haven community and beyond who share our vision of providing educational opportunity in order to transform the lives of the most deserving students.

    If you are interested in sponsoring a student or learning more about our scholarship program, please contact Dawn Miceli, Director of Advancement, at 203.752.2617.
  • Endowment, Memorial, and Scholarship Funds

    These allow you to remember or honor loved ones, a special teacher, or classmate anytime throughout the year. You can also mark a special occasion while supporting our school. Gift acknowledgements are sent to honorees.  

    Hamden Hall has a wonderful history of philanthropy under the pines.  Because of the commitment and vision of our past donors, the foundation of educational excellence was established and our school community now enjoys the reputation of being one of the finest day schools in the country.

    Our second headmaster, Herbert H. Vreeland Jr., is credited with having the foresight to view the school as a large family - a basic tenet that has endured over the decades.  But Headmaster Vreeland must also be acknowledged for his philanthropic endeavors on behalf of the school, which included personally purchasing additional land to enlarge our Whitney Avenue campus.

    These types of charitable pursuits have been the cornerstone of Hamden Hall’s longtime success and enviable curriculum.  Generous donors have also created permanent endowment and scholarship funds to honor alumni, loved ones, faculty, and other members of our school community.  These restricted funds are designated toward financial aid, faculty salaries and professional development, programming, athletics, and much more.

    Gifts in honor or memory of someone may be made to any of Hamden Hall’s existing scholarship and endowed funds.  To learn more about establishing a scholarship or endowed fund, please contact the Office of Advancement at 203.752.2616. 

     Click here to make a gift to one of the following funds listed below.
    Albina Cannavaciolo Fund
    Acquarulo Family Scholarship
    Athletic Hall of Fame Scholarship Fund
    Barbara De Natale Scholarship Fund
    Bea Westerfield Fund
    Betty A. Ippolito 1977 Memorial Fund 
    Betty Lou Blumberg Endowed Chair of English
    Beckerman Family Foundation Fund 
    Bill Hunter Scholarship Fund
    Carl Newton 1987 Scholarship Fund
    Carol Jones Memorial Fund 
    Cecil and Mary Jane Beaupre Scholarship Fund
    Charles C. and Viola M. DeMusis
    Scholarship Fund
    Class of 1973 Citizenship Award
    Curtiss Family Endowment Fund
    David A. Beckerman Scholarship Fund
     Deborah Beitch Jenness 1982 Memorial Fund
     Elizabeth F. Volpe Scholarship Fund
    Equity Endowment Fund
    Eric Santangelo 1987 Memorial Fund
    Ernie Russ Endowment Fund
    Fab Five Scholarship Fund
    General Scholarship Fund 
    Hamden Hall Fund -
    Unrestricted, Appreciation/Honorary/Memorial
    Henry Townshend Scholarship Fund
    James R. Maggart Scholarship Fund
    John R. McCune Fund
    Jon and Katharine Harris Endowed Chair
         of Lower School Music
    Kevin LeBrun 1989 Memorial Fund
    Lee & Nancy Herrington 1952
         Scholarship Fund
    Lisa Deconinck 1991 Scholarship Fund
    The Maria Agulian Fund 
    Marjorie Stewart Scholarship Fund 
    McKeon/Lucey Scholarship Fund
    Michael Musso 1984 Fund 
    Moira Fitzsimmons Art Gallery Memorial Fund
    Nellie and Stanley Pongonis Fund 
    Norma Raccio Fund
    Olson Family Scholarship Fund
    Perennial Pines Scholarship Fund
    Petar Lujic Memorial Fund 
    Porto Family Scholarship
    The Rebecca Paul Sela 1998 and 
         Karen Paul Giblin 2002 Scholarship Fund
    Rick Beitch 1983 Memorial Fund
    Robert Schroeder Scholarship Fund
    Science, Innovation & Design Program Endowment
    Smith Legacy Theatre Fund
    Sonny Coughlin Memorial Fund 
    Susan M. Lewin Scholarship Fund
    Swain Library Fund 
    Teplitzky Family Endowment Fund for Diversity
    Tommus Iampietro Scholarship Fund
    William H. Buell 1929 Scholarship Fund
    Zayne Ali Thomas Endowed Scholarship Fund 
  • Donor-Advised Funds

    A donor-advised fund is a charitable investment account, for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations you care about, like Hamden Hall. When you contribute cash, securities or other assets to a donor-advised fund at a public charity, you are generally eligible to take an immediate tax deduction. Then those funds can be invested for tax-free growth and you can recommend grants to Hamden Hall.

    When you give, you want your charitable donations to be as effective as possible. Donor-advised funds are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the United States because they are one of the easiest and most tax-advantageous ways to give to charity.
  • Stock Transfers

    A gift of appreciated stock is a convenient and economical way to make a gift to our school. Please call 203.752.2616 to make a stock gift.
  • What are other ways I can contribute to Hamden Hall?

    The gift of time and talent is a considerable one that adds to the overall value of our school community. Our volunteers play an important role in enhancing the life of our school. What’s better than having our parents and alumni - in other words, individuals who understand our mission and have an affinity for our school - lend their expertise and creativity? Our volunteer opportunities range from coordinating events and reunions to raising dollars for our Hamden Hall Fund and helping us stay connected to all of our constituents. If you are interested in volunteering at Hamden Hall, please contact our office at 203.752.7616

Meet Our Advancement, Communications, and Alumni Relations Team!

  • Photo of Dawn Miceli
    Dawn Miceli
    Director of Advancement
  • Photo of Anna Pesce
    Anna Pesce
    Admin. Assistant to the Alumni/Advancement Office
  • Photo of Carissa Civitello
    Carissa Civitello
    Associate Director of Advancement
  • Photo of Shannon McMahon
    Shannon McMahon
    Communications Associate
  • Photo of Herbert Emanuelson
    Herbert Emanuelson
    Director of Aumni Relations

Hamden Hall Country Day School

About Us

Hamden Hall Country Day School, located less than two miles from Yale University, is one of the best private schools in Connecticut to enroll elementary, middle, and high school students. Our nurturing and inclusive community provides a dynamic learning environment that promotes academic excellence by understanding each child and fostering their individual growth.