Hamden Hall Country Day School
Educating Students in PreSchool Through Grade 12

In-School Science Fair Yields Impressive Results

Where there is a hypothesis, there is a problem to be solved – and our Grade 4 science prodigies investigated their way to impressive end results with their recent science fair projects. 

An in-school science fair allowed students to showcase their efforts to one another after having worked independently during class time on their endeavors. Students were tasked with choosing a topic and researching it before trying to implement the various steps needed to create such things as balloon-powered cars and working lava lamps.

“Through trial and error, the students learned to problem-solve using critical thinking for their projects to be successful,” said Lower School science teacher Claire Rich.

Traditionally, the Hamden Hall Lower School hosts a science fair featuring the independent efforts of students in Grades 4 through 6. And while Grade 4 scientists presented their projects to one another in class, students in Grades 5 and 6 took to the airwaves with their presentations.

Science teacher Steve Jewett had his students embark on their experiments at home and then digitally present them via slideshow and embedded videos. Instead of the usual name of “Science Fair,” fifth- and sixth-graders took part in a “Science Flair,” according to Lower School Director Lorri Carroll.

The result of all of the various projects and undertakings both in class and at home was an understanding of science terminology and concepts through experiential learning.

“It was wonderful to see the students succeed when challenged to come up with their own solutions and triumph in the end,” maintained Mrs. Rich.

Mrs. Rich noted the students also acquired time management and public speaking skills during the overall process. After presenting their projects to their Grade 4 peers, students in Mrs. Rich’s class had to answer questions during a Q and A session.

“Students had to analyze what had occurred and make adjustments and then present their final projects,” she said.

Click here to view a slideshow of the Grade 4 in-class Science Fair.

Hamden Hall Country Day School

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Hamden Hall Country Day School, located less than two miles from Yale University, is one of the best private schools in Connecticut to enroll elementary, middle, and high school students. Our nurturing and inclusive community provides a dynamic learning environment that promotes academic excellence by understanding each child and fostering their individual growth.