Small acts of kindness can be powerful as they have a ripple effect that can spread positivity and make differences in people’s lives. This superpower was harnessed by the Middle School Student Council in the recent launching of a Kindness Campaign.
English teachers and honorary judges Allison Ehrenreich and Caroline Ford took the bench in the Whitson Building and Dolven Center respectively as seventh grade students moonlighted as district and defense attorneys, character witnesses, researchers, reporters, and jury members in a mock trial exercise based on the novella Of Mice and Men by author John Steinbeck.
Books have the magical ability to take us on a journey beyond the pages into different worlds and to celebrate World Read Aloud Day, Middle and Upper School students grabbed their picture books and shared the joys of reading.
What makes rockets fly straight? What makes rockets fly far? Seventh-grade students were presented with these questions and challenged to design, construct, and test their own rockets as part of a recent hands-on STEM project.
“Life is Delicious” when giving back to those in need. The Middle School community continues to promote stewardship and build connections as seventh- and eighth-grade students commenced the first installment of the annual community service project.
Each Middle School student is assigned a personal advisor to tailor his or her educational experience.
Our Middle School students have prepared and served more than 3,000 meals for residents of New Haven's Columbus House Overflow Shelter since embarking on our annual Life is Deliciouscommunity service initiative during the 2011-2012 school year.
Hamden Hall Country Day School, located less than two miles from Yale University, is one of the best private schools in Connecticut to enroll elementary, middle, and high school students. Our nurturing and inclusive community provides a dynamic learning environment that promotes academic excellence by understanding each child and fostering their individual growth.